Category Archives: Explorers

English through topic work


As you know from my last post, have decided to teach English through topic based work which is something R loves.

To make sure I am covering everything I feel she needs to cover this year, I looked through a few English books and made a list of different areas to be covered when studying English. The list was quite long but as I was making it, I realised that there are definitely more fun ways to learn these things than simply sitting in front of a textbook.

R doesn’t feel she’s missing out on fun topic work now and I can see that doing English this way is just as good – if not better.

For example, recently she composed a letter to my father who has reccently got back in touch with us after so many years of not wanting to know me! She wrote her first draft, corrected spellings and then rewrote it in her best handwriting. Different elements of English there alhamdulillah.

Yesterday, she did some dictionary work based on vocabulary linked to the Explorers topic and made the mini books to insert the definitions into –  so a lot more fun then simply answering a dictionary question in a text book!

Today, she’s making a mini book writing about the reasons for exploration.

I’m really happy I’m going down this route insha’Allah. And she no longer feels that there is no time for topic work.