Daily Archives: September 27, 2008

Biscuits and a Bag


Okay, so before we get on to the yummy pics of yummy chocolate cinammon biscuits that we made yesterday – a few other things to share:

Last Saturday’s was R’s first day in her new Arabic Saturday school. It starts at 9am and finishes at 3pm. It was the first time EVER that I had left R with a complete stranger for that amount of time! I was a complete wreck. I really do not know how parents leave their children in school for days and weeks on end. I was nervous about everything – would she eat all her lunch? who would take her to the toilet? (we are still working on her performing istinjaa by herself) Are the kids (barring one other homeschooled boy that I know) rude? Will they say things I don’t want her to hear? I find that kids who attend school seem to be a lot less ‘INNOCENT’ than homeschooled children!

Anyway, I left her and my heart broke in two! When I picked her up at 3pm, she seemed to be really happy masha’Allah. She recited an arabic alphabet song to me, showed me the work she had done in class and was running around full of energy. The reason why I have decided to let her go, is not for the Arabic or Qu’ran. Masha’Allah, she has already done most of what they are teaching her, it is for the socialisation accept and the tarbiyyah islamiyah lessons. I approached her teacher at the end of the day and she said that she knew a lot about Allah, where He is, who He is etc. I felt happy that what we have learnt at home has been understood. 🙂 Will keep you posted about this new venture!

Last night, we made cinammon biscuits half coated in chocolate that I took from a sister’s blog. She enjoyed making them and I enjoyed making them with her – got me thinking…I really need to do more cooking with her. Can teach her maths, science and discuss Islamic concepts whilst baking!

Here are some pics:



My mother returned home with R one afternoon and told me something that made me laugh! My mother was drying her clothes in the launderette and a woman walked in who had clearly been decorating her home as her clothes were full of paint. The woman had brightly coloured false nails with glitter all over them. R who is into anything glittery and girly at the moment, commented on the woman’s nails saying that they were very pretty and that she liked them. The woman replied, “Well, when you’re older you can have your nails done too!” R clearly told her “I don’t think so.” The woman asked, “Why’s that?” “Because me and you are different.” “And how’s that” said the woman. “Because I am a muslim and you are not!” R said proudly.

My mother (who isn’t a muslim…yet – insha’Allah) told me that the woman laughed and laughed and laughed saying that her day had been so stressful but that last statement made her day as it was so innocent. I found it funny too but it also made me think. R is growing up and realising that the world is divided into two – muslim and non-muslim. I am glad that she is growing up with a strong muslim identity but then I hope that she will also grow respecting other people even though they are not muslim. Dawah is very important to me and I pray that my children will also take their place in calling people to Islam. I think it is a very fine line trying to raise your children loving Allah and hating anything associated with disbelief but also raising them to be compassionate towards all humanity. I don’t know…just some thoughts.

And to finish this post, my husband came home with something that he had bought. It was in a white paper bag. I was about to throw the paper bag away but then thought it can be used. I told R excitedly that this was her bag and she could decorate it any way that she wished. Like I said, into anything girly at the moment – she jumped up and down and decorated it. Last night, we had a guest over and R presented it to the sister as a gift. Here is the finished product: