Monthly Archives: September 2013

Zuzu and patience


Readers will know that Zuzu has a very short attention span and normally gives up when he has to do something that involves time and patience. But masha’Allah with a lot of encouragement he made this all by himself.


I’m so proud that he persevered mashaAllah. .. it’s a milestone for him and he’s very pleased with himself. He even said that wasn’t too difficult…

Yes it’s a simple car but to me he’s learnt something today…. being patient and persevering to reach a goal. .

Back to home ed


So today we returned back to formal home ed. Feels good to return to some sort of semi structured routine. I’ve planned a fairly relaxed week as I wanted to ease the kids back into a routine slowly.

This year, I’m planning on teaching the boys the same content together insha’Allah. Y is 3.5 and Z is 5.5 but they are roughly on the same level academically. I find it is much easier this way.

I’m still reading an Islamic book to them daily immediately after breakfast and open the foor for discussion. It helps set a good tone for the rest of the day.

I’ve also decided to start reading a chapter or two from a parenting book or home ed book before I begin my day. I feel I need to get in a certain frame of mind before my day. I did this today and mashaAllah it really made a huge difference.

Today, all kids did Quran, Arabic, Math, English. I had planned to do some science with R but scrapped it as she wanted to explore her chemistry set with me.

Lots of reading taking place. R is set to complete the St Clares set that she got for eid. She reads them every night. At the moment, Z and Y are playing with magnets. R is finishing off some hifdh preparation for tomorrow before she heads off to kickboxing and baby S is just miserable due to high temperature and teething.

I’m tired but happy. Good home day mashaaAllah alhamdulillah.